Penyelesaian Mid Test S-3
Mata Kuliah
Dosen : Prof .Dr. Efendi Napitupulu, M.Pd
Nur Aisyah ; NIM : 8136114018
Mid Test
Subject :Strategic Planning
Lecture : Prof. Dr. Efendi Napitupulu, M.Pd (
Date : 2013 Okt. 19
1. The Meaning of :
a. Need assessment is a systematic method for identifying goals to targets for programmatic change 'Needs assessment may include observations, tests interviews, questionnaires, and other sources of input is an important first step and fundamental in developing or revising a course through identification of needs (identification of needs) a rigorous and systematic and can provide direction for the development of education and training programs to produce a program representative and relevant to the needs of the community, so it needs to be programmed that must be considered by program planners ("a process for identifying programmatic needs that must be addressed by curriculum planners).
b. Cohort analysis is a multiple cross-sectional design in which the population is the cohort whose members undergo all the same events in the same time period (eg births). Samples are usually taken at regular time intervals.
c. Task analysis is the process of analyzing and describing how humans perform the task may account for the job, to explain what is being done and the equipment used, and the things you need to know in an analysis, and checking for user tasks know well what is needed from the user interface and how they are responsible for its use.
d . Self-evaluation is the assessment carried out to evaluate their own performance , strengths , and weaknesses alone , or process in which organizations - organizations evaluating or assessing employee performance and can improve decision - making personnel department and provide feedback to employees about their operations .
e . Balanced score card management system is a mechanism that is able to translate the organization's vision and strategy into real action on the ground and an approach to management strategy is developed that consists of a balanced and scorecard .
Or a multi - dimensional framework that links strategy , goals, objectives , and measurements are balanced against the whole perspective or areas deemed important to the organization ( cost , customer service , efficient internal work processes , organizational development for the future ) . And which connects all levels of the organization to each other by using the link " targets and measurements " her with the facilitation of communication about strategy and priorities to all levels of the organization and encourage all parts of the organization to work toward a broader mission objectives as well as to monitor the Service Level Agreement , both with internal parties would also external .
Balanced (balanced) means that there is a balance between financial performance and non-financial, short-term performance and long-term performance, the performance of the internal and external performance.
While the scorecard (score card) card is used to record a person's performance score is used to plan the score to be realized by a person in the future.
f. SWOT Analysis is a pretty decent tool to understand and make decisions for the entire organization and the situation is a good guideline for reviewing strategy, position and direction of an organization, and can use business planning, strategic planning, competitor evaluation, marketing, and product development seed, in addition to help in reporting research results and serves to group strategic issues in the four components of a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges / Threat)
SWOT Analysis Chart
g. Environmental analysis that is used in sorting analysis of global issues facing the company in the form, function and relationship between parts implemented in two stages, namely: (1) analysis of the internal environment, which includes strengths and weaknesses and faced by the region and (2) analysis external environment with two main components include opportunities and challenges / threats.
h. Economic Value Added is an estimate of the economic benefits of an enterprise to achieve the value created over the desired rate of return investors the company (being shareholders and debt holders) and see the profits earned by the company reduced the cost of capital financing company.
i. Milestone is a significant point that a regulator to indicate the distance in miles from a given point and is an important event to make benchmarks in one's career, the history of the nation, or the advancement of knowledge in the field, a turning point.
2. The main elements of the strategic planning system is
1. Vision, Mission
2. Objectives
3. Strategies
4. Policies
The set of managerial decisions and actions that Determines the long-run performance of a corporation.
It includes:
1. Environmental scanning (internal & external)
2. Strategy formulation
3. Strategy implementation
4. Evaluation and control
How to implement organizational elements mentioned is to:
1. Clearer sense of strategic vision
2. Sharper focus on what is important Strategically
3. Improved understanding of Rapidly changing environment
3 . Developing a model that shows relationships element in the strategic choice of the strategic planning process is to
• Analysis ; Attempts to analyze the implications of the terms of the strategic planning process for the formation of the early models of software systems .
• Design; This stage involves a detailed definition of output , input and Strategic planning, procedures , including data structures and databases , software structure , etc.
• Coding : at this stage , the design is translated into the code in the coding required strategic planning of quality assurance activities such as inspections , unit tests and integration tests .
• System test : Test the system after the coding phase is completed .
The main purpose of the testing is to find software errors which proceed ked -style strategic planning .
The meaning of this model is
1 . Is assumed to possess pressures and constraints that Determine the strategies
that would result in above-average returns
2 . Most firms competing within a particular industry or within a certain segment
of it are assumed to control Similar Strategically relevant resources and to
Similar pursue strategies in light of those resources
3 . Resources used to implement strategies are highly mobile across firms
Organizational decision makers are assumed to be rational and committed to
acting in the firm 's best interests , as shown by their profit - maximizing
4. The definition of a program are:
According Binanto (2009:1) said programs and programming can be interpreted as follows:
1. Describe the individual instructions that are usually called the source code created by the programmer.
2. Describe an entire section of the executable software.
3. Program is a set or collection of written instructions made by the programmer or a part of a software executable.
4. Programming means making the computer program.
Programming is a set sequence of commands to the computer to do something. These commands require a separate language that can be understood by the computer
Another definition
According Yulikuspartono (2009:29) argues that, "the program is a series of instructions or statements in a language understood by the computer in question",
According Sugiyono (2005:21) is "a set of instructions in a computer language arranged in a logical and systematic".
Performance evaluation is a measurement of the level of success in performing the tasks and the ability to achieve the stated goals and the achievements of a person in carrying out their duties or work in accordance with the standards and criteria established for the job.
Measuring Performance in the approach is to:
a. Comparative approach, an approach that requires assessors to compare the performance of individuals with other individuals. Comparative approach that includes, among others:
i. Ranking
ii. Forced distribution (distribution imposed)
iii. Paired comparison (benchmarking pairs.
b. Attribute approach, an approach that focuses on the extent to which an individual has a particular attribute (characteristic or trait) is believed to be necessary for the success of the company. The technique used in this approach tend to establish a set of properties (such as initiative, leadership and ability to compete / competitiveness) and assess individuals on these properties.
c. Behavioral approach, an approach that seeks to define the behavior of employees in the work to be effective, the technique depends on the behavioral approach include:
1. Critical Incident (critical incidents)
2. Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale (based on behavioral rating scale)
3. Behavioral Observation Scales (associated with behavioral observation scale)
4. Management By Objectives (Management by Objectives / MBO), this approach is commonly used to take more professional and managerial employees.
Achievement of those objectives is one of the individual performance measures. There are three criteria in assessing individual performance, namely: (a) the individual tasks; (b) an individual's behavior, and (c) the individual characteristics
Useful to consider the concept of the program in developing a strategy for an organization because the concept of the program is policy strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation strategy, which is used as a tool for consideration of each program.
5. Program / project evaluation process is ideal to serve as a factor for integration as a strategic choice of organizational structure. Because the program is a plan that has a specific period
Strategic program criteria of the program and the potential for the project to be "effective" with:
a. Establish long-term goals to achieve competitive advantage.
b. Which makes the adaptive response to conditions that will come.
c. Conducting ongoing ever-increasing.
d. Customer oriented
e. Is a motivating force for the organizers and the community
f. Always starts from the opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses
g. Always go from what could happen and not what happens
h. Making the concept and art blend in formulating, implementing and evaluating in order to achieve organizational goals.
Thank you for attention